22 Nov
22 Nov
9:02 p.m.
\placefigure [force][fig:xy] {captiontext} {\placelegend {\startcombination[2*1] {\externalfigure[xxx]}{} {\externalfigure[yyy]}{} \stopcombination} {Quelle: XY}}
Thanks, both solutions work. Is there something simelar for placelegend in splitfloat? \splitfloat {\placetable[][]{tablecaptiontext}} {very very long HTML-Table} I need to add a legend - also as a HTML-Table, so I tried: \splitfloat {\placetable[][]{tablecaptiontext}} {\placelegend {very very long HTML-Table} {legend HTML-Table}} But this is not working - strangly an Missing-} error comes up.... but all brakets are closed. Is there any other way to put a legend at the end of a multi-page HTML-Table? Ciao, P.