Am 22.10.2013 um 10:34 schrieb Keith J. Schultz
HI All,
I remember seeing some seeing what I want to do but I can not find it.
I would like to define a command that takes an optional key-valued list and 1 or 2 manditory ones.
Something like
\unexanded\def\MyCommand[#1]#2% {% \NassiGroupFrame[#1]{#2}% }%
\unexanded\def\MyCommand {\dosingleempty\doMyCommand} \def\doMyCommand[#1]#2% {\NassiGroupFrame[#1]{#2}}
\unexanded\def\MyCommand[#1]#2% {% % extract keyvalue \NassiGroupFrame[\width=\extractedvalueone]{hbox to \extractvaletwo{#2}}% }%
\unexanded\def\MyCommand {\dosingleempty\doMyCommand} \def\doMyCommand[#1]#2% {\begingroup \getdummyparameters[valueone=6cm,valuetwo=5cm,#1] \NassiGroupFrame[width=\dummyparameter{valueone}]{\hbox to \dummyparameter{valuetwo}{#2}}% \endgroup} \MyCommand[valuetwo=4cm]{...}
where \NassiGroupFrame is a Frame.
To give you an idea why I need this see the MWE below. This is a relatively simple example, there will be more complicated frames and they will be nested.
Maybe I am chasing windmills and there is a better way and I should use cld or lua for outputing the Frames so that I can have spacing between the command and avoid having to use "%" after the first opening "{". Or does someone know how it can be done. Is there a way to use ConTeXt to write the command
There are ways to ignore the spaces at the begin (\ignorespaces) and end (\removeunwantedspaces) of a group but you should rethink first your interface for your commands (why no start/stop commands). It can be also useful to draw the whole diagram with Metapost and use the TeX commands only to pass the content to Metapost. Wolfgang