Hi Mojca, (I mistakenly sent this only to Mojca. I’m sending again to the group.)
Is there anything I can do to aid in getting this fixed in the distribution?
Can you please try updating and checking again (at least with the "legacy installer", I'm not sure how Hans handles the modules for lmtx)?
I just installed again and now pgfplots doesn’t work at all. Before it didn’t work just for polar plots. The new error is tex error > tex error on line 48 in file /Users/Gavin/context-osx-64/tex/texmf-modules/tex/generic/pgfplots/pgfplots.code.tex: ! I can't find file `pgflibrarypgfplots.contourlua.code.tex'. The instructions I followed from the garden are below. - Gavin
# Synchronize all modules from the ConTeXt Garden in the directory 'modules' which is created if it doesn't exist.
rsync -rltv --del rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/current/modules/ modules
# Create the union of all modules in tex/texmf-modules (the directory is created if it doesn't exist). # If you have personal modules in tex/texmf-modules, they won't be modified.
rsync -rlt --exclude=/VERSION --del modules/*/ tex/texmf-modules
# You may delete the 'module's directory to reclaim some space or keep it to speed up the next update. # rm -rf modules
# Update the ConTeXt LMTX distribution. Alternatively, if you do not # want to do that, you have to run mtxrun --generate.
sh ./install.sh