Hi Thomas, Thnx so much for your help! After playing with your hack I found a simpler solution-) \setupnote[endnote][location=none,margindistance=0em] \def\MyEndnote#1{\endnote{\hskip1.2em #1}} There should be ConTeXt options that do this sort of thing, along the line of \setupitemize, which has e.g., an [atmargin] key. Thnx once again!! Best Idris
===== Original Message From "Thomas A. Schmitz"
===== Idris, here's my hack for achieving this footnote format (which seems much more common in the humanities than the default provided by ConTeXt):
\def\NoteNumber#1{\hbox to 15pt{\hfill #1.}}
\setupfootnotes[rule=off, distance=-3em, margindistance=-3em, numbercommand=\NoteNumber]
\def\MyFootnote#1{\footnote{\hskip4em #1}}
============================ Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523