Hello, I would like to use ConTeXt foracademic writing this year and am just scratching the surface of its capabilities. My first run at producing a document in APA format resulted in several questions. Below is abrief sample. In this excerpt, the following APA style formatting errors occur: 1. The first reference is cited as “Hartley, M.T. (2013).” There is usually a space separating these initials. Between the M. and T. in this reference. 2. The word “and” is appearing in both parenthetical and in-text citations. When a reference is completely within parentheses, the last author should be separated by the & (Ampersand) character. 3. The last reference has 3 authors and should be written as Koch et al (2014) instead, it replicates the entire list of authors previously cited. I must be missing something obvious in my settings. What changes to this sample need to be made to correct these formatting citation errors? Thank you in advance for any assistance or references to places in documentation where I can learn to correct these issues. Todd %%% Begin Sample %%% \showsetup \startbuffer[review] @article{hartley2013, author = {Michael T. Hartley}, title = {Investigating the Relationship of Resilience to Academic Persistence in College Students With Mental Health Issues}, journal = {Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin} volume = {56}, number = {4}, pages = {240-250}, year = {2013}, doi = {10.1177/0034355213480527}, } @article{koch2014, Author = {Lynn C. Koch and Ketevan Mamiseishvili and Kristin Higgins}, Title = {Persistence to degree completion: A profile of Students with psychiatric disabilities in higher education.}, ISSN = {1052-2263}, Journal = {Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation}, Number = 1, Pages = {73 - 82}, volume = 40, year = 2014, } @article{mutanga2015, author = {Oliver Mutanga and Melanie Walker}, title = {Towards a Disability-inclusive Higher Education Policy through the Capabilities Approach}, journal = {Journal of Human Development and Capabilities}, volume = 16, number = 4, pages = {501-517}, year = 2015, doi = {10.1080/19452829.2015.1101410}, } \stopbuffer \usebtxdataset[review.buffer] \usebtxdefinitions[apa] \starttext Barriers to success often arise from overt discrimination, while others grow out of differences in the ability of the student, the psychosocial nature of disability, and the educational technologies used in the classroom \cite[mutanga2015, hartley2013]. Most students report a learning or psychiatric disability \cite[koch2014]. Data from longitudinal measures such as the NLTS2 can be used to compare groups of students over time. \cite[alternative=authoryears][koch2014] relate that understanding why students drop out of college is extensively researched. \subject{References} \placelistofpublications \stoptext %%% End Sample %%% -- Todd DeVries Phone: (208) 847-5996 Fax: (208) 757-6668 More information: http://equaltext.com/aboutme.html