On 10/18/2017 06:00 PM, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
Hi, With this
\setuppapersize[A4,landscape] \setupinteractionscreen[option=landscape]
I get a double-sided page that I can read without having to return the page on the back. But I wish I could fold the sheet to have a booklet.
Difficult to explain without showing. Is it possible ?
Hi Fabrice, for a booklet I would recommend imposition. 1. Generate the document in the standard way (no landscape). 2. Impose it using the following code: \setuppapersize [A5][A4,landscape] \setupexternalfigures[interaction=all] \enabledirectives[references.border] \setuparranging [2UP] \setuplayout [backspace=0pt, topspace=0pt, width=middle, height=middle, location=middle, header=0pt, footer=0pt] \setupinteraction[state=start] \setupinteractionscreen[option={landscape, fixed, paper}] \starttext \insertpages[document.pdf][width=0pt] \stoptext A sample for document would be: \setupbodyfont[600pt] \starttext \dorecurse{4}{\startstandardmakeup[style={\bf\ss}, align=center] \recurselevel \stopstandardmakeup} \stoptext Althought the paper size from the document is A4, imposition handles it as A5, so it works fine. BTW, page order in the final booklet is different (you may see it yourself :-)). I hope it helps, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk