path pen ! Not implemented: penoffset(path)of(pen). <to be read again> ;
All, I've run across an interesting bug that I haven't seen before. In the attached Metpost file, if I delete the last figure (beginfig(8)...endfig), the file compiles. However, with beginfig(8)...endfig, the file gives this error: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] pen_pickup_->...part.penoffset.left.of.currentpen; pen_bot:=ypart.penoffset.r... <to be read again> ; l.499 pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; ? As the code in beginfig(8)...endfig is a simple copy and paste of the code in beginfig(1)...endfig, this is perplexing to say the least. If in beginfig(8)...endfig, I replace the lines %draw pendulum length pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; draw A--E; pickup defaultpen; with: %draw pendulum length draw A--E withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; Now the file will compile. This is strange indeed! Any ideas?