Hi, I'm presently trying to do slide, and I need to make things appear by steps. So, I've found the rsteps module, but I'm having some problems to use it. Here are my questions. I appreciate any hints or help. 1) When I define a theorem in a slide with steps, my theorem 1 is theorem 2 at the second step. How to control this ? 2) I wish to use the same text to print (wihout steps) and with slide (with steps). If I comment the "\usemodule [rsteps]", the instructions \StartSteps \NextStep.. are unknown of course, so how should I redefine them ? I guess I should provide new definitions only for screen mode ? Is there a simpler solution ? . 3) On each slide, the header contains the page number, which appears only at the last step of the slide.The same effect occurs with the footline which appears only at last step of a slide. Is there a way to correct this ? ie I wish the header and footer do not change, so the steps are more transparent. Thanks for help. Fabrice.