On 29 Jun 2016, at 10:05, dr. Hans van der Meer
wrote: I do not understand the behaviour of the \sc macro. I thought smallcaps would turn out to be smaller than capitals. But I see no difference between them except a subtle difference in letterspacing. Am I doing something wrong here?
Hans van der Meer
The above issue being solved, I guess there is something else in my setup not being as it should be. Because the code: \starttext \setupbodyfont[lucidaot] {\sc abc} \stoptext Does give me abc in smallcaps, but placing the \setupbodyfont before the \starttext surprisingly does not. \setupbodyfont[lucidaot] \starttext {\sc abc} \stoptext Changing the lucidaot call for cambria or lmodern gives the expected coorect behaviour. So I guess there is something amiss with how I did setup the lucida font in my system. I bought the lucida opentype font and installed my TeX trees as follows. The split between the ConTeXt directory and the one for my local files facilitates downloading new beta versions. ~home\TeX\texmf\ fonts opentype bh lucidaot LucidaBlackletterOT.otf .. LucidaSansTypewriterOT.otf tex context user (my own modules) ~home\Applications\TeX-programs\ context tex link to the above texmf further as downloaded from the beta Strange thing furthermore is that changing the name of the lucidaot-directory in the texmf-tree does not seem to make any difference, not in any case when I execute "mtxrun --script font --reload --force" and afterwards "mtxrun --script context --make". So I guess there are some things I did not right. Can that be spotted from the information given here? Hans van der Meer