Hey list, Another broken nightly to report. I got this error while compiling my book: ... structure > sectioning > subsubsubject @ level 5 : -> \bf 44 Aquarius, 48 B.R. structure > sectioning > subsubsubject @ level 5 : -> \bf 48 Aries, 15 B.R. structure > sectioning > subsubsubject @ level 5 : -> \bf 12 Cancer, 14 B.R. structure > sectioning > subsubsubject @ level 5 : -> \bf 2 Libra, 14 B.R. structure > sectioning > subsubsubject @ level 5 : -> \bf 3 Libra, 14 B.R. graphics > invalid region for 'tbg:1' ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=10000]. <argument> \next \doifmeaningelse ...>\edef \!!stringa {\meaning #1 }\def \!!stringb {#2}\edef... \spac_lines_between ...ningelse \next \obeyedline {\linesparameter \c! inbetw... \doifmeaningelse ...meaning #1}\def \!!stringb {#2 }\edef \!!stringb {\meanin... \spac_lines_between ...ningelse \next \obeyedline {\linesparameter \c! inbetw... \doifmeaningelse ...meaning #1}\def \!!stringb {#2 }\edef \!!stringb {\meanin... ... l.34 ... and the methane/oxygen return propellant. ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 1 Unfortunately my luck with ConTeXt hasn't been so good lately. Every single nightly has been broken since late last January (2012.01.27). Fortunately I still have debs I can revert to. -- Kip Warner -- Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com