Zeljko Vrba wrote:
A motivation and idea that came to mind while writing a post to comp.text.tex:
== Then again, most (all?) of publishers require Latex source, if my document ever makes it that far.. And Latex has nicer source code formatting than Context. so I'm really split between Latex and Context..
what do you mean with source code formatting?
None of them individually fit all (I admit, vague) requirements.. Context being able to chew up Latex .cls files and still allowing for its advanced formatting directives, long tables, and other goodies would be a perfect match. ==
Basically, rewrite standard Latex environments and commands (\chapter, \section, itemize, enumerate, etc..) present in article.cls and report.cls to expand to Context commands that give an equivalent layout..
How much work would it be? Either a Latex emulation environment or a new implementation of "Latex classes" for Context?
I have to admit that I don't have time to start implementing either. I'm just interested in some feasibility opinions..
80% of Latex<>Context transition can be done with a few simple regexes. Other 20% have to be translated by hand, and it is very painful, esp. if tables are in question..
brooks is working on that so maybe you should team up with him Hans