On Thu 21 Apr 2011, Pontus Lurcock wrote:
On Thu 21 Apr 2011, Reviczky, Adam wrote:
Why does this not work with \mainlanguage[uk]
Hmm, good point. It seems to work with several \mainlanguage settings I've tried: en, fr, nl, sv, fi, cs, ru, de. But it fails for uk and en-gb.
I think I've got somewhere with this: Wolfgang's workaround seems to fail when used with a language that has a ‘default’ parameter in the \installlanguage command (see lang-def.mkiv). So en and de are fine, but en-us, en-gb, de-at, de-ch etc. fail. My workaround was simply to define a custom language from scratch without using ‘default’: \installlanguage [mylang] [spacing=broad, leftsentence=---, rightsentence=---, leftsubsentence=---, rightsubsentence=---, leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote, rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote, leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote, rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote, date={day,\ ,month,\ ,year}, patterns=gb, lefthyphenmin=3, righthyphenmin=3] \mainlanguage[mylang] \setuplabeltext[chapter=Chapter ] \setuplabeltext[appendix=Appendix ] \definehead[appendix][chapter] \setuphead[appendix][appendixlabel=appendix] \setuplist[chapter,appendix][label=yes,width=6em] \starttext \startfrontmatter \title{Contents} \placelist[chapter,appendix,section,subsection] \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \chapter{Bodypart} \stopbodymatter \startappendices \appendix{Appendix} \stopappendices \stoptext