On 14 May 2016, at 01:25, Hans Hagen
installing and running the garden distribution is quite simple (as is updating) .. there are less files too (so no big burden to have it alongside tex live)
I installed it on OS X 10.11.5 Beta in /Applications/ConTeXt. Then it turns out that adding ‘context’ to the PATH by a script exec /Applications/ConTeXt/tex/texmf-osx-64/bin/context "$@“ isn’t enough, because it gets hold of the older LuaTeX version from TeX Live 2015 which is also in the path. However, running ‘setuptex’ works. One can download a LilyPond binary to /Applications/, and its binaries then has lookup paths set properly to itself. Then scripts as those above have the advantage of not interfering with other binaries with the same name.