thank you for your answers the \typefile thing does work as expected, i can input my files directly now. \typefile[EIFFEL]{single_linked_list_cell.e} \typebuffer does only work when i use it like this \typebuffer[deque] if I juse \typebuffer[EIFFEL][deque] instead the following text appears in the resulting pdf-file "[file tmp-EIFFEL.tmp does not exist]"... but that what i expected to do is possible with the \tpyefile command. gruss severin
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: ntg-context-admin@ntg.nl [mailto:ntg-context-admin@ntg.nl] Im Auftrag von Tobias Burnus Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. April 2004 22:46 An: ntg-context@ntg.nl Betreff: Re: AW: [NTG-context] verbatim problem
Hello again,
Severin Obertüfer wrote:
Did you think of putting the information into a buffer and put the contents in your document with \typebuffer?
\startbuffer [deque] [...] \stopbuffer
\startEIFFEL \typebuffer[deque] \stopEIFFEL
I thought you ment a file, for a buffer one can use, analogously, \typebuffer[EIFFEL][deque]
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