Hi, there are still some problems with footnotes and overprinting. I have reactivated the old (sorry, non minimal) example for that. But for three problems it is pretty short :) 1. the footnote uses '1' instead of the chosen '*' (set 1) 2. the footnote marker is not bound to the footnote text (only the text is moved right) 3. the problem with the undefined \PDFobjectreferenceB occurs again, if overprinting is used (see different versions of \NoteNumber and \MyFootnote) One additional note to 3.) I have to enable overprinting for both the marker and the text to get the desired result (all should be overprinted). Is this intended? Peter %\def\NoteNumber#1{\hbox to 15pt{\hfill\black \dostartoverprint#1\dostopoverprint}} \def\NoteNumber#1{\hbox to 15pt{\hfill\black #1}} \setupfootnotes [bodyfont=6pt, textcolor=black, before=,after=, rule=off, conversion={set 1}, % distance=-2em, margindistance=-2em, numbercommand=\NoteNumber] %\def\MyFootnote#1{\footnote{\hskip3em \dostartoverprint#1\dostopoverprint}} \def\MyFootnote#1{\footnote{\hskip3em #1}} \starttext \startlocalfootnotes \vbox\bgroup\hsize=78mm\dontcomplain \startitemize[4] \item die Ausgabe erfolgt als PDF/X-4p\MyFootnote{ISO 15930-7:2008} \stopitemize \egroup \stoplocalfootnotes \moveright70mm\hbox{\placelocalfootnotes} \stoptext