On 15 Sep 2016, at 20:19, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: Hans Åberg 15. September 2016 um 19:44
I use Xcode on MacOS (former OS X), which has very good Unicode support (including RTL scripts). There is a Unicode symbols table, but it is slow. One can also design one's own keyboard map, but that is very time consuming.
Another input method is shown in the following video [1] where each symbol get its own command, e.g. \mbfitx is equal to {\bi x}. The source table mentioned in the video can be found on the STIX page [2].
One can have text translations on MacOS, for example, "…" is translated into “…”, and as an experiment, I have set |-> translated into ↦. (Xcode does not translate, though.) But the GUI is cumbersome and there may be risk for errors, for example in a computer language where -> should be exactly that instead of →. Also, the characters have the advantage that they off-load human memory. :-)