Mohamed Bana wrote:
1. Using \completepublications[criterium=all] produces the error message;
Because there is no bbl file, as Jean said. You should run bibtex 'by hand' in mkiv, but I'll upload a mkiv-aware version of the bib module later today.
2. Compiling with the following using \completepublications and \subsubject{Top trading procedures} or \subsection{Top trading procedures};
Same reason as under 1.
3. Taco, could you please include a minimal example of using bibtex in your bibmod-doc.pdf file please, much like what Guilherme has done.
Is that the biblatex guy?
4. Why is the [criterium=all] parameter needed?
Because the default is to create local bibliography list (just like local toc's ). This may have been the wrong decision, but it is too late to change now, I fear. Best wishes, Taco