I started a small project of ~100 pages and tried to do it with Scribus since it required pictures, inserts, etc. I found that Scribus was not going to be able to handle the task so easily. So I am back to Context. Here is my task: in the right pages, I want the text (~50 pages of text) and in the left pages I would like a picture and a quotation coming from the right page (this quotation I am willing to do manually). My question is, how do I make one \setuplayout for the odd pages, and another for the even pages? I may use pictures that bleed over the upper left corner of the left page. I used the option \placefigure [opposite], which puts the picture in the opposite page, very nice. However, I have two problems with it: it may put the picture in the right page (opposite to the text in the left page), and I can't make the picture bleed because my \setuplayout is for both pages. I can work with what I have done so far, but I wonder if my task is possible with the current Context macros. thank you Ciro -- Links of your interest: http://www-personal.engin.umd.umich.edu/~cirosoto/ http://www.TheGuitarMakerExploration.com https://www.createspace.com/3392936