Hello List, I notice an inconsistency in the clickable area when using \useurl. With the following example, both the \from and the \url are clickable in some lines (as noted iin the value of \from) but in others, the \from is clickable but not the \url. It does seem sensitive to the urlL, but I cannot see a pattern. Example: \setupinteraction [state=start] \useurl[earlBA] [https://www.bartleby.com/sv/welcome.html] [] [Not clickable] \useurl[earlPD] [https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/] [] [Not clickable] \useurl[earlWC] [https://www.worldcat.org/] [] [Not clickable] \useurl[earlFC] [https://www.futilitycloset.com/] [] [Not clickable] \useurl[earlQU] [http://www.quote-unquote.org.uk/] [] [Not clickable] \useurl[earlAL] [https://www.aldaily.com/] [] [Not clickable] \useurl[earlTL] [http://stephanus.tlg.uci.edu/] [] [Not clickable] \useurl[earlQI] [https://quoteinvestigator.com/] [] [Clickable] \useurl[earlLH] [https://languagehat.com/] [] [Clickable] \useurl[earlSF] [https://stancarey.wordpress.com/] [] [Clickable] \starttext \from[earlLH] (\url[earlLH]) \par \from[earlQI] (\url[earlQI]) \par \from[earlFC] (\url[earlFC]) \par \from[earlWC] (\url[earlWC]) \par \from[earlQU] (\url[earlQU]) \par \from[earlAL] (\url[earlAL]) \par \from[earlSF] (\url[earlSF]) \par \from[earlBA] (\url[earlBA]) \par \from[earlPD] (\url[earlPD]) \par \from[earlTL] (\url[earlTL]) \par \stoptext Should I use something other than \url[earlXX] here to get the clickable literal url from useurl? -- Rik Kabel