On 11/4/06, Taco Hoekwater
Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
On Nov 4, 2006, at 8:28 PM, gnwiii@gmail.com wrote:
$ texmfstart texexec try-ctx [...] Completed box being shipped out [1.1] Memory usage before: 1751&690230; after: 397&690074; still untouched: 939301 title : - References ) ! Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 23. <inserted text> \fi <*> try-ctx.tex emergencyend ?
I got the same error; I think a \fi is missing in line 935?
Absolutely correct, sorry again. Not my best day, this.
New version uploaded
Now I get (running on linux):
$ texmfstart texexec try-ctx >texmfstart.log 2>&1
[gwhite@cerberus bibtex]$ grep bibtex texmfstart.log
publications : file try-ctx.bbl not found, waiting for bibtex
TeXUtil | running bibtex\ try-ctx
sh: bibtex try-ctx: command not found
publications : file try-ctx.bbl not found, waiting for bibtex
publications : file try-ctx.bbl not found, waiting for bibtex
[gwhite@cerberus bibtex]$ bibtex try-ctx
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (Web2C 7.5.5)
The top-level auxiliary file: try-ctx.aux
The style file: cont-no.bst
Database file #1: xampl.bib
It seems that linux looks for the program "bibtex try-ctx" due to the
escaped "space".
George N. White III