I am getting the following error when recompiling my docs with the latest context. The docs run ok with the previous context version. Don't know what is wrong here, I hope someone has the answer. TeXExec | processing document 'cart.tex' TeXExec | no ctx file found TeXExec | tex processing method: context TeXExec | TeX run 1 TeXExec | writing option file cart.top TeXExec | using randomseed 477 TeXExec | tex engine: pdftex TeXExec | tex format: cont-en This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.0-beta-20060213 (Web2c 7.5.5) \write18 enabled. (c:\CONTEXT\isoimage\usr\local\context\tex\texmf-local/web2c/natural.tcx) entering extended mode (./cart.tex ConTeXt ver: 2007.01.04 17:37 MK II fmt: 2007.1.7 int: english/english language : language en is active system : cont-new loaded ... metafun 2007-1-7 2:22 ) 1 output file written: cart-mpgraph.1 Transcript written on cart-mpgraph.log. TeXExec | runtime: 0.734 [MP to PDF] (./cart-mpgraph.1 ! Missing number, treated as zero. <to be read again> \@@MP42 \presetMPscale ...en 4 \zeropoint \dimen 6=\gMPs 2 \onepoint \dimen 8 \zeropo... \handleMPpathscale ->\presetMPscale \PDFcode {\gMPs 1 0 0 \gMPs 2 0 0 cm}\re... \dohandleMPpathB ...{\@@MP :P:\somestring }\relax \handleMPsequence l.31 B0.90909 1 s S Q ?