On 6/6/06, Hans Hagen wrote:
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Hello all,
I have no idea when this came out, but it works like a charm! http://www.fsci.fuk.kindai.ac.jp/kakuto/win32-ptex/web2c75-e.html
I didn't try out ConTeXt + XeTeX yet (I only played with plain XeTeX a bit), but the fact that the distribution includes the latest ConTeXt (even more recent that the one on the pragma-ade.com, namely the version of 30th May :) and that it includes texmfstart.exe makes me feel that I'll love that Japanese TeX distribution!
texexec --make --all --xetex
and after that a file saying:
% output=xetex
\starttext It works! \stoptext
or just:
\starttext It works! \stoptext
texexec --xetex thatfile
works like a charm (produces a pdf file)
For some strange reason something fc-related (I guess) started crashing when I try to change fonts (files that used to work already are crashing at once). :( I have a problem with interfering binaries/lack of environmental variables/some files missing - actually nothing serious (apart from the problem with crashing), I just have to play a bit with it. It didn't work out of the box, but I hope that I'll convince it to work soon. Mojca