On 11/1/07, Idris Samawi Hamid
I have uploaded an updated version of the ConTeXt-support package for Notepad++ (Npp):
Thanks! I'm trying to make it work with my np++ installation without losing my tweaks & configurations, so I've been manually merging config files rather than copying—but I seem not to have access to a few features. Actually, all I can tell is that I have ConTeXt-aware syntax highlighting. Auto-completion doesn't work either. Basically, I need to know what parts of the distribution do what. For example:
One nice feature is that from any text selection (such as a control sequence) you may do a ConTeXt Wiki search from the RUN menu or ALT-F2.
How does that get enabled?
Most of the Scite ConTeXt commands are included (same shortcuts), in both RUN and script versions (for the console F6).
I can get a console with F6; can you give an example of what to do with it? --Joel