Hans Hagen wrote:
btw, if you patch enco-il2 by
\startcoding[il2][il2] % second entry
and regenerate the format you have a regime for free -)
OK. That is the game. Chars were born.
I prepared a quick comparision of Czech/Slovak accented letters (Latin
Modern v. CS Fonts). See http://typokvitek.com/tmp/latin.pdf
Font design is very subjective game, I know. There is my comment:
1) LM has very ugly caron
2) caron is too high at both capitals and minuscules
3) ring is lifeless/faint
4) acute is OK; I would prefer vertical position somewhere inbetween LM
an CS, but CS are consistent with tight accents (acute and caron)
5) \v t: caron is too low (does not look as neither ligature connection
nor separate accent
No kernings checking for now, just glyph drawing. I can ask LM author
(Boguslaw Jackowski