Am 12.02.2011 um 08:47 schrieb Oliver Buerschaper:
Just wanted to ask whether anyone has looked into these issues… a solution would be much appreciated (and put to immediate use in a current project ;-)
Not sure if there are side effects but this works (requires mkiv and a recent installation): \setuplayout[grid=yes]\showgrid \setupbodyfont[14pt] \usemodule[annotation] \define[2]\ZitatCommand {\topskip\dimexpr\topskip+\lineheight/2\relax \startnarrower “#2”% \stopnarrower} \defineannotation [zitat] [alternative=command, command=\ZitatCommand, spacebefore=halfline, spaceafter=halfline] \starttext \startzitat \input tufte \stopzitat \dorecurse{2}{\input tufte\par} \startzitat \input tufte \stopzitat \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte\par} \startzitat \input tufte \stopzitat \input tufte \stoptext Wolfgang