Le 05 août à 14:30:55 Wolfgang Schuster
| > Le 04 août à 19:17:55 Jean Magnan de Bornier
| Can you make a minimal example for this. Here are the four files. This time it is the formula lacking the prefix. ......................... \startproduct Test \environment env_test \startbodymatter \component test1 \component test2 \stopbodymatter \stopproduct .......................... ......................... \startenvironment env_test \setupcolors [state=start] \setupcaptions[way=bysection,prefixsegments=chapter] \setupformulae[way=bysection,prefixsegments=chapter] \setupinteraction[state=start] \definereferenceformat[ineq] [left=(,right=),text=équation] \definereferenceformat[graph][left={graphique },right=] \setuphead[subsection][number=no] \stopenvironment ..................... ..................... \startcomponent test1 \chapter{ch 1} This file has been typeset on \currentdate{} at \currenttime, with \doifmodeelse{mkiv}{mkiv, LuaTeX revision \luatexrevision, (LuaTeX date stamp \luatexdatestamp)}{mkii}, ConTeXt version \contextversion, using the command: \starttyping context TEst \stoptyping \stopcomponent ...................... ...................... \startcomponent test2 \chapter{ch 2} \section{un} \startuseMPgraphic{kdj} pickup pencircle scaled 1.5mm ; draw (origin -- dir(45) -- dir(0) -- cycle) scaled sqrt(2) scaled 3cm withcolor .625red ; draw (origin -- dir(angle(1,1)) -- dir(angle(1,0)) -- cycle) scaled sqrt(2) scaled 3cm shifted (4.5cm,0) withcolor .625yellow ; draw (origin -- (1,1) -- (1,0) -- cycle) scaled 3cm shifted (9cm,0) withcolor .625white ; label.lft(btex quid? $\alpha$ etex, (1,3)); \stopuseMPgraphic \placefigure[][fig:un]{Un}{\useMPgraphic{kdj}} Document créé grâce au système d'édition \CONTEXT% LUA \startlua a = 1.5 b = 1.9 c = a*b tex.print(c) \stoplua \section{deux} \subsection{trois} \placeformula[eq:pythagoras] \startformula a^2+b^2=c^2 \stopformula \subsection{quatre} This is explained in \ineq[eq:pythagoras]. Et dans le \graph[fig:un] \stopcomponent ...................... bye -- Jean