Synctex works perfectly fine – until the first occurence of a \readfile. From that point on it always takes me to the imported file, no matter whether the text actually is in the imported file or in the main file.
This line is found by the new synctex.\crlf
This line is found by the new synctex.\crlf
This line is found by the new synctex.\crlf
This line is found by the new synctex.\crlf
This line is {\em not} found by the new synctex.\crlf
Instead, synctex takes me to myInputfile.tex.\crlf
This line is {\em not} found by the new synctex.\crlf
Instead, synctex takes me to myInputfile.tex.\crlf
['myInputfile.tex' can contain any text, it doesn't matter.]
If I click one of the first four lines in the PDF synctex works fine. The lines after the \readfile don't work: Synctex takes me to the end of myInputfile.tex. (You can also import 'ward' or 'knuth', in that case synctex takes me to the last line _before_ the \readfile.)
I tested the sample with an older Ctx and with --synctex=zipped, and it doesn't show the problem.