On 5/8/21 3:58 PM, denis.maier@ub.unibe.ch wrote:
Looks like I can confirm this... see below. But it seems to depend on your PDF viewer. Results in Sumatra and Acrobat differ.
Many thanks for your confirmation, Denis. With SumatraPDF 3.1.2, I get lines without spaces between words, too. But the wrong extra extra spaces inside some words are wrong even in Acrobat. Of course, I would like not have all correct spaces in SumatraPDF. But the issue in Acrobat may be a bug. Many tha thanks for your help, Pablo
current version: 2021.05.06 23:35
Sumatra Coming back to the use of typefaces in electronic publishing: many of the new typog raphersreceivetheirknowledgeand infor mation about the rules of typog ra- phy from books, from com puter mag a- zines or the instruction manuals which theygetwiththepurchaseofaPCorsoft- ware. There is not so much basic instruc- tion, as of now, as there was in the old days,showingthedifferencesbetweengood and bad typographic design. Many peo- plearejustfascinatedbytheirPC'stricks, andthinkthatawidely--praisedprogram, called up on the screen, will make every- thing automatic from now on.
Coming back to the use of typefaces in electronic publishing: many of the new typog raphers receive their knowledge and infor mation about the rules of typog raphy from books, from com puter mag azines or the instruction manuals which they get with the purchase of a PC or software. There is not so much basic instruction, as of now, as there was in the old days, showing the differences between good and bad typographic design. Many people are just fascinated by their PC's tricks, and think that a widely--praised program, called up on the screen, will make everything automatic from now on.