I currently use the Dutch NTG letter style with LaTeX, which I would like to replace with a ConTeXt based system. Even though LaTeX works fine, I think that I can better spend my time on learning ConTeXt as this will not limit me so much in future projects.
So I was wondering if any ConTeXt users have already created a layout file to write letters, with the appropriate placement of the Address, logo's, folding stripes, etc.. If not than I would like to solicit some pointers on how to do two things:
1. place a logo at an exact XY position on the paper
2. exact placement of the address block (as this needs to fit with standard envelope windows).
Here an example (in dutch). Include it like this: ====== \input berendbrief.tex \starttekst Yada\crlf Street\crlf City\crlf {\bf Subject} Dear Whatever, Test ... \stoptekst -- Live long and prosper, Berend de Boer