4 Mar
4 Mar
10:56 p.m.
There was a thread about columns and whitespace ~ 2 weeks ago, but I wasn't a subscriber then. I've just come across it independently myself. I'm not sure what conclusion was come to. From a few tests, I'd characterize the problem code in \startcolumns as: "if whitespace has been set to more than none, set whitespace to 'line'." Try it by uncommenting various lines: %\setupwhitespace[none] %\setupwhitespace[small] \starttext \startcolumns[n=2] %\setupwhitespace[small] \input knuth \stopcolumns \stoptext Do people agree with that characterization; has the bug been found; what's being done about it? I don't want to have to re-setup whitespace every time I go to columns. James