Dirar BOUGATEF wrote:
2. I would like to define a new layout that does not contain left and right margins. This layout is going to divide my page to 4 parts as a matrix of 2x2. How can i do that ? Is there anyway to identify each part of them in the same way as we identify the left and right margins within the default layout ? Is this in relation with margin and opposite blocks ?
depends on what you want to do; an option is to make A6 pages and to impose the pages; another option is to use layers: \setuplayout [page] \definelayer[lt] \setuplayer[lt][width=.5\textwidth,height=.5\textheight] \definelayer[lb] \setuplayer[lb][width=.5\textwidth,height=.5\textheight] \definelayer[rt] \setuplayer[rt][width=.5\textwidth,height=.5\textheight] \definelayer[rb] \setuplayer[rb][width=.5\textwidth,height=.5\textheight] \definelayer[pp] \setuplayer[pp][width=\textwidth,height=\textheight] \startsetups buildpage \setlayer[pp][preset=lefttop] {\tightlayer[lt]} \setlayer[pp][preset=righttop] {\tightlayer[rt]} \setlayer[pp][preset=leftbottom] {\tightlayer[lb]} \setlayer[pp][preset=rightbottom]{\tightlayer[rb]} \startstandardmakeup \tightlayer[pp] \stopstandardmakeup \stopsetups \starttext \setlayerframed[lt][preset=middle,rotation=45]{welcome} \setlayerframed[rt][preset=middle,rotation=315]{to} \setlayerframed[rb][preset=middle,rotation=225]{context's} \setlayerframed[lb][preset=middle,rotation=135]{layers} \setups[buildpage] \stoptext (something for the wiki archive) Hans