At 16:19 +0200 16/05/05, M.guravage wrote:
I recently prepared a presentation using pre-05. The Topics, represented as buttons in a column on the left, are now each preceeded by a number. This was not the case when I last used the style back in January. Interestingly, s-pre-05.tex has not changed since then. This behavior is the same on both the latest ConTeXt alpha and beta releases.
I'd appreciate it very much if anyone could shed some light on why these numbers are appearing.
Hello, I tried your example file (by the way I had to change \usemodule[pre-04] into \usemodule[pre-05] according to what you wanted). Indeed something has changed since the page number at which each \Topic appears, is repeated before the buttons in the interaction menu. I tried your file with other versions of s-pre-05.tex (I mean those I had in my archives, one of them being from 2003, another from 2004): the result is the same... Something has changed maybe in s-pre-00.tex? Since I don't know how the page number is called I couldn't locate the bug. Sorry for this :-( Best regards: OK