Am 04.12.2011 um 01:20 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
How does one save and read third-party data in tuc file at the lua end?
I am trying to write a module t-ifchanged that defines a \doiffilechanged macro that provides the functionality of mtxrun --ifchanged without calling an external program (This is meant to be a support module for t-vim, where the external calls to mtxrun are too time consuming).
I can successfully write additional data to the tuc file, but cannot figure out how to initialize the data from tuc file. (See attached file). Any hints are welcome.
\definetwopasslist{test} \newcount\testcount \starttext \immediatesavetwopassdata{test}{}{First Entry} One: \gettwopassdata{test}\twopassdata \startluacode commands.savetwopassdata("test","Second Entry") \stopluacode Two: \ctxlua{commands.gettwopassdata("test")} \stoptext Wolfgang