I have another question. The print shop wants the background image to be overprinted. Is it sufficiant to set »overprint=yes« once in \setupcolors or does one need to explicitely tell the region with \startoverprint ... \stopoverprint? A minimal example: % \startminimalexample \setupcolors[state=start,cmyk=yes,rgb=no,overprint=yes] \definelayer [mybg] [x=0mm, y=0mm, width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight, repeat=yes] \setlayer [mybg] [hoffset=5cm, voffset=7cm] {\externalfigure[sample/hacker.jpg][max]} \setupbackgrounds[page][background=mybg] \starttext Is this sufficiant for overprinting? \dorecurse{4}{\input tufte\par} \page \startoverprint Or does one need to explicitely tell context the region? \dorecurse{4}{\input tufte\par} \stopoverprint \stoptext %\stopminimalexample Thanks again, olli -- Oliver Heins heins@sopos.org http://oliverheins.net/ http://blog.overheins.net/ F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8 http://scriptorium-adp.de/ 2544 0F07 B675 9A00 D827 1024D/9A00D827 2004-09-24 -- gpg --recv-keys 0x9A00D827 Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html