At 16:10 -0500 8/11/04, David Munger wrote:
Argh... It's because of the line splits in email. I just put the file on my website:
Hi David and all ConTeXters, I was away from my e-mail so I am late in answering. Thank you for the file you put on your site. Indeed everything works as intended (the \placeformula no longer advances with each step), and I think one may suggest to Hans to include this in future distributions. However, in the spirit of ConTeXters who are always asking for a step(!) towards perfectness, I let you know the following drawbacks of the macros: 1) Somehow the \FromStep[n][reserve] changes the internal mechanism of glue or spaces in displayed formulas. So one needs (as you do in your example) to add \; around operators such as +, -, =. Can one avoid this? 2) When one refers (see example below) with the command (\in[eq:NS]) to an equation which has been introduced with \placeformula[eq:NS] the interaction makes appear the first instance of that formula, which may be incomplete. Could one have a control over this, that is for instance, in this particular case, make appear the completed equation at the end of the slide made with \StartSteps[Navier||Stokes equation]? Best regards: OK %%%% file steps-david-3.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % usage example %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usemodule [pre-original] \usemodule [rsteps] \starttext \StartSteps[Slide Title] % the title is passed to % the \Subject macro \startitemize \item Item 1 \OnlyStep[2] {\item (oops!)} \UntilStep[4] {\item Item 2*} \FromStep[4] {\item Item 2} \HighlightStep[3]{\item Here is another version of Navier-Stokes equation} \stopitemize \StopSteps \StartSteps[Navier||Stokes equation] \placeformula[eq:incompressibility] \startformula \vec\nabla\cdot\vec u = 0 \stopformula \placeformula[eq:NS] \startformula \frac{D\vec u}{Dt} = \FromStep[2][reserve]{-{\red \frac1\rho \vec\nabla p}} \FromStep[3][reserve]{+\;{\green \vec g}} \FromStep[4][reserve]{+\;{\blue \frac1\rho \vec\nabla\cdot S}} \stopformula Momentum transport: \NextStep \item {\red Pressure gradient} \par\NextStep \item {\green Gravity} \par\NextStep \item {\blue Stress (viscous, turbulent, Maxwell)} \StopSteps \StartSteps[Navier Stokes equation] \placeformula[eq:div-nul] \startformula \vec\nabla\cdot\vec u = 0 \stopformula \placeformula[eq:NStokes] \startformula { \partial u \over \partial t} - \Delta u \FromStep[1][reserve]{{\red \; +\; (u\cdot \nabla)u}} \FromStep[2][reserve]{{\green \; +\; \nabla p}} \FromStep[3][reserve]{{\blue \; =\; f(t,x)}} \stopformula Comments: \NextStep \item Nonlinear equation (same is true for equation (\in[eq:NS]) \par\NextStep \item One should add initial conditions \par\NextStep \item and boundary conditions \StopSteps \stoptext %%%%%% end file steps-david-3.tex