On Thu, 24 Mar 2011, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
2011/3/24 Marco
On 2011-03-24 Philipp Gesang
wrote: This should also work:
\startluacode function modification_date (file) local f = file local attr = lfs.attributes (f) assert (type(attr) == "table") if attr.mode ~= "directory" then return os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",attr.modification) end end \stopluacode
\unexpanded\def\getdate{% \ctxlua{context(modification_date ("\jobname.tex"))}% }
I would like to do something like the following: \getdate would return os.date("%Y-%m-%d",attr.modification) and \getdate{"long"} would return os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",attr.modification)
I have looked at lua, but do not see how to do it. (Something else to learn.)
Untested: \def\getdate% {\dosinglegroupempty\dogetdate} \def\dogetdate#1% {context{modification_date("\jobname.tex", "#1")}} and then in the lua code function modification_date(file, format) .... if format == "long" then .... else ... end end Aditya