Michael Wiedmann wrote:
How do I tell ConTeXt to write the PDF file with the necessary information that acroread opens the PDF in 'Fit Width View'?
I tried:
% try setting "Fit Width" \ifx\pdfoutput\undefined\else \ifnum\pdfoutput>0 \pdfcatalog { /View /FitB } \fi\fi
but can't find the correct value for '/View'.
/FitBH 1000 should work. Get the PDF-Reference 1.4 from www.adobe.com and take a look a page 475 for all possible destinations. To control the viewer try this (my default settings) % Catalog dictionary of PDF output; see PDF-Reference 1.4/ p.83 \pdfcatalog{ /PageLayout /SinglePage % SinglePage/OneColumn/TwoColumnLeft/TwoColumnRight /PageMode /UseOutlines % UseNone/UseOutlines/UseThumbs/FullScreen n/OpenAction [0 /Fit] % pagenumbering starts with 0 % see PDF-Reference 1.4/ p.475 for Destinations } Regards, Peter