Dear ConText gurus, I am faced with a new problem with the page numbering in the Table of Contents. In the appendices, I use: \setuppagenumbering [way=bychapter, chapternumber=yes, numberseparator=-] to get page numbers like A-15, B-24 ... etc However, the page numbers associated with Appendix 1 in the Table of Contents is like 1 Introduction 11 1.1 Goals of Research 11 1.2 Necessity of Research 11 A Real-time Monitoring of Intraseasonal Variations 15 B Drought Monitoring Based on Standardized Precipitation Index 24 I am wondering if there is a way to get ConText to write my TOC as: A Real-time Monitoring of Intraseasonal Variations A-15 B Drought Monitoring Based on Standardized Precipitation Index B-24 My document is structured as follows: \input layout \starttext \startfrontmatter \input HomePage \stopfrontmatter \placelist[chapter,section] \startbodymatter \input Chapter1 \input Chapter2 \stopbodymatter \startappendices \input Appendix1 \input Appendix2 \stopappendices \stoptext Thanks as always, saji -- Saji N. Hameed APEC Climate Center +82 51 668 7470 National Pension Corporation Busan Building 12F Yeonsan 2-dong, Yeonje-gu, BUSAN 611705 saji@apcc21.net KOREA