Hello list, According to the interface files (texmf-context/tex/context/interface/mkiv) \setupfloatcaption takes an align= parameter (inherits from \setupalign). Additionally, it suggests that the location= parameter can take the keywords tolerant, verytolerant and stretch. None of this appears to work. \setupcaption [figure] [align=verytolerant] is ignored, and \setupcaption [figure] [location={bottom,verytolerant}] gives unexpected and surprising results. I cheat, and use \setupcaption [figure] [style={\setupalign[verytolerant]}] but this is hardly a proper solution. Question: Why do figure captions NOT inherit from \setupalign, i.e. \setupalign[verytolerant] in a preamble does not have an effect on float captions? Question2: What is going on with \setupfloatcaption ? Thanks Alan