said this at Fri, 25 Feb 2005 11:38:27 -0500:
Hans began that with ContML, a simplified XML structure for basic
documents, mirroring familiar ConTeXt commands (take a look at the x-
contml.tex source). He enabled a lot more with the tricks features in
This Way #9 (the magazine link).
Sorry to be dense, but I can't find this. Could you give me a link? It
looks like ContML is just for math?
Well, x-contml.tex is in the ConTeXt source tree. (Often we'll talk about
filenames like x-contml, type-exa, and m-layout on the list. They have an
implied .tex extension and are (almost) all found in your updated TeX
tree, in tex/context/base.)
You can have an XML document/fragment like:
context:sectionA Sample Document
context:subsectionSomething deeper
context:pSome text with context:ememphasis and
context:typesome other
context:itemOh look, a list
context:itemWith three items, which
context:itemHardly seems worth the effort.
and run it with:
texexec --pdf --use=contml filename.xml
So ContML is not just about math at all.
For (XML) math, you want to go to the MathML modules, which are in the
xtag-mm* ConTeXt files.
The interesting things come when you use mappings akin to the ones here:
and my stuff that I plugged earlier. Not only can you use XML for
structural markup, but (with a little work) you can use it for simple
style configuration, like this in front of a document similar to the above:
This will look *very* familiar to ConTeXt users, and some of them might
even find this syntax easier to remember than with some of ConTeXt's commands.
One of the key ideas to take away from ConTeXt's XML manual is that there are *many* different
paths to take when processing XML. You can now take a 100% XML path with
XSL-FO, now, but that misses out on so much of ConTeXt's excellent
Hope that helps,
Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept.
Lancaster University, InfoLab21 +44(0)1524/510.514
Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492