Hi Wolfgang, two files with the difference are attached. I thought about the current beta -- it could be good way for me but unfortunately it does not suit for my students. Tomáš Fri, Jan 17, 2020 ve 07:40:57PM +0100 Wolfgang Schuster napsal(a): # Tomas Hala schrieb am 17.01.2020 um 15:18: # >Hi all, # > # >if I compile the following (minimised) code with ConTeXt from TL2017, # >I receive expected result -- one framed gray box with correct width. # > # >\starttext\showframe # >\defineframedtext[MPT][background=color,backgroundcolor=gray,width=\makeupwidth,frame=on,offset=1cc,] # >\setuptyping[MP][before={\startMPT},after={\stopMPT},] # >\startMP bla \stopMP # >\stoptext # > # >Now I tried it with ConTeXt from TL2019 (TL2018 produces the same result as TL2019) # >and I have got _two_ boxes -- the outer one is correct and frames the typing environment # >as in the past whereas the new box frames the text inside the typing. # # Your example works fine with the current beta and since you don't # show the differences between the different installations there is # nothing which can be done. # # Wolfgang