Dear Aditya and Youssef Cherem, To: Aditya,
There is the talk that Wolfgang gave in this year's context meeting:
Thank you for letting me know the talk which gives me more understanding about \definefontfamily. To: Youssef Cherem, Recently, Wolfgang helped me to define a font family as following, and I hope that it gives you some idea to use \definefontfamily. \definefallbackfamily [nanum] [rm] [Tex Gyre Pagella] [range={basiclatin,latinsupplement,latinextendeda,latinextendedb}, force=yes] \definefallbackfamily [nanum] [rm] [Noto Serif CJK KR] [range={cjkunifiedideographs},force=yes] \definefontfamily [nanum] [rm] [Nanum Myeongjo OTF] [ it={style:regular,features:{*,slanted}}, bi={style:bold,features:{*,slanted}},force=yes] Explanation: 1. I use Korean font whose family name is “Nanum Myeongjo OTF” as main font. Since it doesn’t have italic style and bold italic style, I add [it=… , bi=…] to simulate the styles. 2. Since I want to use English character in "TeX Gyre Pagella”. I add it in the first \definefallbackfamily with an option [range={…},force=yes] which restrict the use of font to Latin characters. 3. We use chinese characters also in the Korean sentences. But "Nanum Myeongjo OTF” doesn’t have Chinese characters. So I add another font “Noto Serif CJK KR” which contains Chinese character with the option [range={cjkunified…},force=yes] in the second \definefallbackfamily. There are two font families more, sans and mono which is similar as rm. It is really nice to use \definefontfamily which saves a lot of work to define fonts. Thanks Wolfgang. If there are something should changed in the above definition, please tell me what to do. Best regards, Dalyoung