31 Aug
31 Aug
7:44 p.m.
I got the guilty lines: \definebodyfont[13pt] \definebodyfont[11.6pt] \definebodyfont[8.3pt] \definebodyfont[8.2pt] \definebodyfont[6pt] \definebodyfont[5.8pt] \setupbodyfontenvironment[11.6pt] [text=11.6pt, script=8.3pt, scriptscript=5.8pt, x=8.2pt, xx=5.8pt, big=13pt, small=6pt] at the very end of the typescript file. Sorry for not having strip down to the minimal buggy file before posting... So how to setup such relative font sizes for a specific family say \rm and then rscale the other one (mm, tt, ss) so that the x-heights match? Do I have to put such sizes inside the typescripts of all families? Thanks Olivier