Hi all, A few weeks ago I reported a problem with ruby 1.9.1, which was solved by removing the offending .tui line (Mojca and Hans AFAIR). The problem was related with the existence of non-ascii chars in the .tui file. Sadly it strikes again, now when chars with accents appear in titles (sections, subsections, etc...). The parsing of the line signaled below in the end of this message, from a .tui file, fails in ruby 1.9.1, but not in ruby 1.8.7. The error which is returned is also shown. If I remove the chars with accents from the section title all goes well. I'm using Mkii (--context=current). One of the advantages of ruby 1.8 over 1.8 is tht it is 3 times faster... However, ruby made lots of changes in string manipulation and storing when moving from 1.8 to 1.9, and that must be the source of the problem. I tracked the error to texutil.rb, line 1035: when /^c (.*)$/o then @plugins.reader('MyCommands', [$1]) but then i got lost in the Classes/Modules jungle :-) in that script. Perhaps it is this this procedure, in line 403 of texutil.rb, which triggers the error? def MyCommands::reader(logger,data) @@commands.push(data.shift+data.collect do |d| "\{#{d}\}" end.join) end Thx for your support in advance. If I can help in the solution of the problem please direct me in the task. I have some experience with ruby (I started using it when the 1st pickaxe book edition was published, around 2001) and with perl. But not with Lua :-)... Although I read alraedy quite a lot of Roberto's Lua book, I didn't started coding in Lua yet :-) Kind Regards J. Augusto ############## TUI file and trigered error ################### ## .tui snippet ........ c \mainreference{}{a}{2--0-1-1-0-0-0-0--1}{1}{1.1}
c \listentry{subsection}{3}{1.1.1}{Title with accents:
Ãçê}{2--0-1-1-1-0-0-0--1}{1} c \mainreference{}{b}{2--0-1-1-1-0-0-0--1}{1}{1.2}
### error pdfTeX warning: pdftex.exe: no GlyphToUnicode entry has been inserted yet! Output written on test1.pdf (1 page, 72793 bytes). Transcript written on test1.log. TeXUtil | parsing file test1.tui TeXUtil | fatal error in parsing test1.tui TeXUtil | check loading of file 'test1', begin/end problem TeXUtil | shortcuts : 169 TeXUtil | expansions: 308 #############################