Hi all, for a slide template, I want to draw colored arrows in a randomized color (from a list of colors). This works (and the code is far too clever for me, I must have copied it somewhere): save mycolor ; color mycolor[] ; mycolor[1] := (0.2, 0.3, 0.4) ; mycolor[2] := (0.6, 0.6, 0.4) ; mycolor[3] := (0.5, 0.8, 0.5) ; so I can write drawarrow p withcolor mycolor[round(uniformdeviate(9))] ; But I also want the direction of the arrow to be random. My first idea was to define a variable that would expand either to "reverse" or the empty string right after drawarrow, but that's where I'm stuck. Anyone has an idea how to achieve this? (It's probably somewhere in the source, but I can't find it.) And is the method of defining the random color OK, or could this also be improved. Thanks, and all best Thomas