Hello, I just wanted to report the conclusions I reached after the hoop-jumping I had to go through to be able to use Fraktur in ConTeXt, especially in math environments: it seems that the \frak, \goth, \cal font switches are ignored in math mode (which is somewhat ridiculous, considering that this is where they are used more often). A workaround (stolen from the old math module) is to define \def\fraktur #1{\ifmmode\@EA\text\fi{{\frak#1}}} \def\gothic #1{\ifmmode\@EA\text\fi{{\goth#1}}} \def\caligraphic#1{\ifmmode\@EA\text\fi{{\cal #1}}} and use \fraktur{a} instead of {\frak a}. This has the disadvantage that you cannot set Fraktur as the (math) font for a complex math construct. Can this be fixed, please? -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta