Hello to all ConTeXt users, First of all, I'm impressed of opportunities that ConTeXt provides to book and magazine designers. Especially I like designs of Hans Hagen's manuals :) I have a medium experience in LaTeX (typesetted several books with math, tables and figures), but I've no experience in ConTeXt at all. I'm a russian user and interested in support of russian and ukrainian language in ConTeXt. By the way, I already tried example from contextgarden wiki and it works for me fine. So my question is: how to enable russian (ukrainian) hyphenation in ConTeXt? I tried files from http://trash1.hotmail.ru/ but these fails to compile (in my opinion they're not compatible with modern ConTeXt, as they maybe outdated). If there is no straight way to solve russian hyphenation problem I'd like to help with it :) Thanks. WBR, Arkady Shraer