4 Jun
4 Jun
9:30 p.m.
Hi all, while trying to figure out all the functions that setupcaptions has, I stumbled trying to make stopper and separator work. MnWE: \useMPlibrary[dum] \starttext \section{One} \setupcaptions [figure] [way=bysection,prefixsegments=section,separator={A},stopper={B},suffix={C}] \startplacefigure[title={A rectangle with a caption. Not very interesting.},reference=fig1] \externalfigure[dummy][width=0.5\textwidth] \stopplacefigure \in{Figure}[fig1] \stoptext As far as I understand it, the separator changes the dot between the section and the figure number and the stopper is placed right after the figure number and used in references as well (which is different from suffix). Is that correct? Andy