Thank you, Wolfgang, it's a pity that it doesn't really work with indentations. Markus Kohm once sent me a routine for LaTeX. It worked with that. However, the problem was that the hyphenation required at the end of the line did not work and then the word spacing became larger and larger. Greetings Thomas Am 28.09.24 um 12:26 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Thomas Meyer schrieb am 28.09.2024 um 11:40:
Hi guys,
Is it possible to set the first line of an indented paragraph in a different font? I saw it in a book. There, the first line was indented to half the line width (\setupindenting[yes, .5\textwidth]) and set in smallcaps.
Yes it is possible but it stops when the indentation gets too large.
There seems to be a few other problems because the spaces between the words are too wide and it gets worse with increased indentation.
%%%% begin example \definefirstline [smallcaps] [alternative=line, style=\setsmallcaps]
\setupbodyfont [pagella]
% even with wider lines the formatting of the first line stops % \setuppapersize[A4,landscape]
% \setupindenting[yes,.5tw] % \setfirstline[smallcaps] % \samplefile{lorem}
\doloopoverlist{0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5} {\setupindenting[yes,\recursestring\textwidth] \inleft{\recursestring} \setfirstline[smallcaps] \samplefile{lorem} \blank}
\stoptext %%%% end example