Am 2006-03-03 um 12:45 schrieb Thomas A. Schmitz:
i played with dual streams a bit yesterday but have no time to explore it now; it's a tricky business and much depends on what the input / output is to be
it is doable to develop a framework for this, but only when you and others first come up with some decent spec (what kind of input, what kind of sync, what kind of content, how to handle floats, etc)
Several other members said they were interested too. So could you give us a hint how this can be achieved? Could we start from something very simple and then move on to more advanced features? For the time being, I don't need any floats etc., just basic texts on both sides with footnotes and the possibility to give breakpoints on the recto side.
Friendly as ever, Hans suggests that you write a sample/spec how you'd like to use this feature, so that he can think about some implementation himself. E.g., would such help?: \setupsynced[setup name][mode=pages, after=pagebreak, n=2] % n = (number of synced columns, think of more language versions to compare...; default=2) % mode = pages, columns (default=columns; pages only with n=2) % after = pagebreak, space, continue...? (what should we do with remaining space in column?) % footnotes = local, ...? (synced text needs its own set of footnote counters...) % frame, background etc.? \startsynced[mysetup]% { greek text }% { german text } \stopsynced This would be analogous to combinations, but could handle only single paragraphs, I guess. I don't think I need this feature, so it's your turn to propose a syntax! Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://contextgarden.net http://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)